I am a Computer Science Engineering sophomore at MACE
I'm a web developer/designer and a programmer. Moreover I'm an extremely curious nerd who is into science. Currently I see myself writing a lot of CSS and JS. And, I am trying my best to learn React and Flutter.
My first experience with programming was at a very young age. My first programming language was called LOGO. It was where you moved a turtle using commands. This was probably one factor which made me fell in love with computers!(along with video games). Currently I'm doing the best when doing HTML, CSS and am conquering the JS world. Also I do backend programming using Nodejs.
I've never noticed the designer in me until I started doing frontend development. But I was always concerned about how things looked. I started using the internet without any help from anyone, and I've learned to judge things based on their look; i.e I'd know if something is a spam/fake by looking at it. Maybe this is where it stemmed. Creating CLI applications for me meant making the output screen as beautiful even though its just black and white. Even a wrong indent or no '\n' at the end of the output triggered me.
I am lot into video editing. I envied having a video recording camera when I was a child. And when I finally got one, I started joining several clips to make films. Of course I was young and dumb, and those films were bad, but the thing is that I enjoyed making those. I have made a few ones that are worth putting out there and are on my insta page. Peter Mckinnon, Sam Kolder, etc are some people I look up to in this craft. Whenever I travel somewhere new my main goal is to make a cinematic video of the trip rather than enjoy what's in front of my eyes.
Even though video games might not be a technical skill, they played a vital role in me choosing Engineering. Video games taught me to solve problems. Whenever I tried to install games, there's always one problem or another that comes up. Sometimes its a 0xc000007b error or a DLL missing error or some other errors. And due to my passion for gaming, I'd always google my way through to the answer. Solving these errors taught me 'how to google',which is a must for a developer(hehe),and is a very important skill that most people lack these days.
I am a cinephile. I enjoy watching them, from a techinical as well as non technical aspects. I prefer to watch movies that make me ponder on it. My favorite genre is Crime Thriller.
I love listening to music. But, I'm not a person who listen to music in my free time. I would rather listen to music while I do something, like when I'm travelling or coding. I like most genres. It, usually, depends on my mood. And, I really like people who recommend songs to me.
I was into anime when I was a child. But later lost my intrest in them. Now, I'm rediscovering my lost interest for them. Deathnote and Monster are some of the best ones I've seen.
I am a huge windows fan boy. Its the first OS the I've used and is super close to my heart. Even though, down the road, I see myself using a Linux based os but till then I'm gonna thrive with windows. Plus with the latest WSL integration, I kinda feel like using a Linux system.
Currently I'm using ASUS TUF laptop. Its got 8 gigs RAM and a 1050 card. Not the most powerful ones out there, but she does the job for me. Gaming, coding, editing, she can handle anything for me, except android studio, xD.
Ubuntu 18.04 on WSL2.0 is what I live on. Powerline-go makes the terminal experience less ugly for me.
Atom is one of the first code editors I have tried. Later I switched to vscode when atom got too sluggish to use. I am pretty happy with Vscode. I later switched to neovim to learn the "vim experience" that every dev talks about. Not gonna lie, I don't feel like I wanna use the mouse anymore! But now I'm using the vim plugin for vscode.